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Learn to process problems with RIGORTM

For many people, too much time and energy is wasted feeling frustrated or distracted by problems​


RIGORTM is my user-friendly problem-processing technique that gives you back control so you can focus on the things that matter


At work, home, and anywhere in between, applying the RIGORTM technique will help you more efficiently identify ideals, clarify options, optimise decision-making, and connect with what matters


Big problems and small, roadblocks and dilemmas, RIGORTM also

works brilliantly when collaborating with others


Learn RIGORTM with me today, and

start focusing on what matters!

I know how it feels when our reality doesn’t quite match our ideal. I too used to struggle with losing too much time processing problems, spending too much energy navigating my way through challenges, and feeling frustrated at not being able to focus on the things I really wanted to be focusing on. So, over several years, I spent hundreds of hours researching and designing the solution that is the RIGORTM technique (read more about that here).


The RIGORTM technique has since helped thousands of people take control by learning to process problems in an efficient and effective way. Even the most experienced and confident problem solvers have embraced the RIGORTM technique.

What previous participants have to say...

2-hr Webinar: Take control with RIGORTM

Learn to take control and focus on what matters


During this interactive 2-hr webinar, you’ll learn the user-friendly 5-step RIGORTM technique and will be immediately able to start applying it to all aspects of your life. You’ll be confident to identify your ideals and optimise decision-making.


You'll then learn all about the embedded 4-stage processing path we all navigate everyday. This will give you the power to better control how you're affected by (and respond to) challenges, situations, and people around you. Learning how to identify then wrangle the 3 F’s of reactions will give you even more control over how you focus your time and energy towards what matters.


You’ll also learn how to inject more motivating purpose into your actions, and will learn advanced RIGORTM techniques to let go of non-serving beliefs. At the end of this session you really will be ready to embrace and pursue your ideals.

Register for 1st September

11am AEST (Brisbane time)

Presented live from my green screen studio

Includes 30-days access to this topic on-demand


Contact me for bulk registrations or other queries



The foundations of RIGORTM started to take shape around 2009. Within my senior leadership roles for multinational corporations, it was my job to steer companies through periods of rapid expansion, while also keeping keep hundreds of team members productive and on track. I became intrigued by the differences between motivated and demotivated workers, and spent a lot of time investigating causes of frustrations, roadblocks, and issues that people felt constrained their ability to work in ways that were aligned with their perceived ideal. At the same time, I devoured research and writings on these topics. From there the first iteration of RIGORTM was born and instantly became the favoured technique for my colleagues and team members to process their way through a myriad of challenges and dilemmas.

Rigor Background

Fast forward a few years and I’d stepped away from corporate life to follow my passion for education, and I subsequently pursued a research doctorate in online education. I focused my PhD on the frustrations of online educators and I investigated why their ‘ideal’ and day-to-day ‘reality’ were so misaligned. It was amazing how many overlaps there were between these findings and my previous experiences.


That research enabled me to refine the RIGORTM technique even further. In addition to continue sharing RIGORTM with others, I use it myself every single day. RIGORTM not only helps me plan my projects enabling me to hit every milestone on time, it also ensures I keep a sane work-life balance. Regularly using the RIGORTM technique has, for years, helped me to efficiently process my way through every challenge thrown my way.


One of those challenges was being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that stole my ability to walk and left me in excruciating 24/7 pain. Instead of following the advice to give up work and essentially go to bed for the rest of my life, I drew on my reliable and familiar RIGORTM techniques to write a new ending to that story.


Navigating that journey prompted me to refine additional advanced RIGORTM techniques, and these enabled me to really take control of the outcomes.

The result is now, having defied every prediction, I once again live a very active life. Not only do I swim ~5km a week (having used RIGORTM to overcome a debilitating fear of water), but I’ve also just taken up mountain biking. I get to laugh and play with my family, I get to do meaningful work everyday that I absolutely love (that includes sharing RIGORTM with you), and I get to use RIGORTM everyday to stay focused on what matters most.


I’ve now taught thousands of people from all sorts of backgrounds how to use the RIGORTM technique to connect with their ideals and to effectively process their way through an extraordinary variety of problems and decisions. All that experience is here waiting for you to take advantage of.


Every person is unique, every challenge is different, and the RIGORTM technique is ready to meet them all.

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