My most important quick-tip message ever - Can you believe we're celebrating the 70th quick-tip I've released? To mark this milestone (and my last free quick-tip), I'm sharing what I think is the most important tip of all. This is a must-watch for all educators! (3-min).
Important note:
Quick-tips and research insights will only be made available to members from 2023 onwards. However, a back catalogue of quick-tips remains available here for all educators.
Quick-tips: You the educator
A common concern among educators moving online (3:30) (19 Sept 22)
Cognitive challenges of teaching (5:47) (22 Aug 22)
A proven strategy for getting more out of your own PD (4:15) (25 July 22)
Using the TPACK framework to plan your professional development (4:25) (13 June 22)
What digital skills training should we be providing educators (2:29) (4 Apr 22)
Wow - what a great example of how to support your online educators (2:03) (31 Jan 22)
Here's a prompt to help you get the most out of your PD investment (2:28) (24 Jan 22)
Do you wonder why professional development learnings don't always 'stick'? (2:58) (17 Jan 22)
Quick-tips: Your practice
One strategy to trigger engagement with content and prompt learning conversations (3:20) (17 Oct 22)
Why online learners respond well to live polling (3:12) (5 Sept 22)
A critical tip for successful breakout room activities (3:12) (11 July 22)
A quirky (yet effective) tip to feel less drained after live online sessions (3:55) (30 May 22)
Discussion forums - Many educators overlook this key element (2:41) (23 May 22)
Why don't students turn on their camera? (5:36) (25 Apr 22)
Does your teaching include proactive strategies for 'pedagogical care'? (2:59) (11 Apr 22)
Emily asks: What's the ideal online class size? (3:26) (21 Mar 22)
One of the things students reported loathing about live online sessions (2:09) (14 Feb 22)
Have you been hearing a lot lately about 'nudging'? (2:52) (7 Feb 22)
Quick-tips: Your content
Add the purpose, then the spice (3:20) (28 Nov 22)
Don't overlook this critical button in your online content (2:45)) (14 Nov 22)
What is this 'deep learning' that we often refer to? (4:50) (31 Oct 22)
The problem with photographs in your learning content (3:19) (3 Oct 22)
To script, or not to script your video content? (3:37) (8 Aug 22)
Are your students not clicking 'play' on your great video content? (2:12) (18 Apr 22)
Quick-tips: Technology and tools
A useful website for some learners (2:27) (16 May 22)
My favourite software!! (3:26) (9 May 22)
To caption, or not to caption - Part 3 of a research update (4:21) (27 June 22)
To caption, or not to caption - Part 2 of a research update (4:17) (2 May 22)
To caption, or not to caption - Part 1 of a research update (5:14) (14 Mar 22)
The video format that performed worst (look-away + non-attention) (1:51) (21 Feb 22)