As you know, ongoing research is an important foundation of my work. It's this ongoing commitment and investment in research that enables me to bring you highly current findings, and consistently bring you the updated perceptions and experiences of current learners.
While I don't always formally publish all of my research (preferring to focus on funnelling this work into professional development offerings for you), on this page you will find links to relevant formal publications.
Cox, D. (2023) Digital skills for education and training: A good practice guide. (Click here to access)
Cox, D., & Hodge, S. (2023) Considerations for online delivery opportunities within Australian VET. Research Today (31), 5-7. (Click here to access)
Cox, D., Prestridge, S., & Hodge, S. (2022). Creating a space for reflection on professional priorities. International Journal of Research & Method in Education. (Click here to access)
Hodge, S., Cox, D., & Park, E. (2023). VET online delivery: Case studies in constraints and opportunities (commissioned to support ASQA Strategic Review of Online Learning). (Click here to access)
Cox, D. (2021). An investigation of teaching context factors perceived to affect the enacted practice of online VET teachers. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 26(1), 59-80. (Click here to access)
Cox, D. (2022). Insights for delivering VET online. NCVER. (Click here to access)
Cox, D., & Prestridge, S. (2019). Teaching conceptions and teaching context affect the enacted practice of online teachers. 27th International Conference on Computers in Education, Taiwan. (Click here to access)
Cox, D., & Prestridge, S. (2020). Understanding fully online teaching in vocational education. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 15(1), 16. (Click here to access)
Prestridge, S., & Cox, D. (2020). Rapid response video series. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(2), 285-294. (Click here to access)
Prestridge, S., & Cox, D. (2021). Play like a team in teams: A typology of online cognitive-social learning engagement. Active Learning in Higher Education. (Click here to access)
Prestridge, S., Exley, B., Pendergast, D., O'Brien, M., Cox, D., & Schmid, M. (2021). Teaching in a 3D virtual world - Defining teacher practices. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 29(3), 417-447. (Click here to access)
A small note on why I'm not currently focused on developing new articles
In my experience, academic journals are not the most efficient or effective way for educators to benefit from lessons learned in current research. You see, publishing in these journals takes around 2 years (sometimes more!). Then, once published, those articles sit behind an expensive paywall that everyday educators can't readily access. Also, throughout that long publication process, I'm not supposed to share the findings elsewhere (for example, research I completed in 2017 didn't get made public until 2022).
All in all, this means that you, the educators who it's my goal to support and inform, don't easily or quickly get access to research which could be helping your practice. That's why I made the decision to focus on transforming research into accessible professional development, rather than write for journals that often only other academics will benefit from.
I agree that research needs to be rigorous, ethical, and professionally conducted. I also appreciate you want the credibility of working with someone who meets those standards, and I trust that you'll see my track record and ongoing commitment to research as exactly that.
This approach allows me to continue funnelling the profits from my professional development services back into ongoing research.