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Click-Worthy Learning Content

Is your great online content going unclicked?​

Don't worry - there are solutions!


Come learn proven strategies that do result in more students engaging with more content more often

It's frustrating when we put effort into creating high quality learning content only for students to not bother clicking on it. That content might include readings, videos, learning activities, or even attending live sessions.


This webinar is built from research that observed online student behaviour and engagement, and interviewed students about why different content yielded different attention - they said it's all about how content is framed or communicated.


The resulting framing and communication strategies are what you’ll be learning in this webinar. These strategies have been shown to significantly increase student engagement with content – implement these and you'll immediately see an increase in how much key content is accessed and actively engaged with by more students.


Discussion forums are a specific type of learning activity. While the first part of this webinar is about getting students to click on key content, in this second part we’ll focus on the nature of discussion forums once you have captured student attention. You’ll learn the differences between deep participation and superficial ‘likes’, and will be able to spot discussion champions, strikers, hustlers, and bench-sitters. Importantly, you will learn to plan what kind of participation you’re seeking. These learnings are drawn from my published research in this space, and participants will understand how to design for, and coach students toward, authentic engagement in online discussion spaces.


The detailed workbook includes all the planning tools for ongoing use. It also features a link to bonus content about how to take effective notes.


Previous participants have said:

  • It’s been a week since this session, and I’m seeing an extraordinary difference in student behaviour already

  • I really appreciate that Deniese takes the time to answer questions and get us involved

  • I’ll definitely be implementing these ideas throughout our group asap

  • Two months after implementing these strategies, our student satisfaction scores have gone through the roof

Register for 4th August

11am AEST (Brisbane time)

Presented live from my green screen studio

Includes 30-days access to this topic on-demand


Contact me for bulk registrations or other queries

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